Title: Deeper The Retribution of Beth Genre: Horror
Run Time: Feature Film Type: Television Series
Director: Jeffery Anderson Producers: Andrew Francis, Matthew Kevin Anderson, Michael Khazen, Mack Benz, Jeff Renfroe
Availability: Hulu, iTunes, Amazon, HMV, Walmart, Google, Vudu
Synopsis: Mark (a journalist) is sent to do a premier article on Steve and John (co-creators of XBus ). They decide to take Mark on a ride that, unbeknownst to them, turns into a vicious nightmare. Caught in a revenge plot that's been brewing for years, Mark tries to escape with his life as our mysterious Beth reigns down punishment for Steve and John's past dirty deeds. What is a "just" consequence for a couple of scum-bag's?... And how far will one go to get even?